How to record retention and delete forms as an AMHP

How to record retention and delete forms as an AMHP

Completed Forms on Thalamos include a status, so you can keep track of whether they’ve been submitted.

Important: Thalamos is not designed to be a primary record system.

Once you are satisfied the MHA Office has received and accepted your form, the form can be deleted.

You can download forms from your Caseload to attach to your local record system by opening the form and choosing to 'Download PDF' or 'Print'.

To delete a form from your profile, simply go to Caseload, check the box of the form(s) you wish to delete and click 'Delete form'.

Note: once you delete the form it will then show up in the deleted log, with the information of who deleted it and at what time. However, you will be unable to access the form. 


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