Troubleshooting for MHA Admins

Troubleshooting for MHA Admins

I’ve entered my name and email address but I can’t log in

The log in details that you enter have to mirror exactly what the sender entered them as. Check you have entered the same email address that the sender used. Check who the form was sent to, the name may also be different if this was sent to a team email address. 

I’ve received a notification that I have a new form to review however I can only see an old form when I log in. 

Every time you finish work on a particular patient’s forms you have to close the session. If you don’t close the session you won’t be able to access any subsequent forms. Check if you are still logged in and if so close the session and click on the link again.

I’ve deleted a form, how do I retrieve it?

In order to maintain strict security and patient confidentiality, once a form has been deleted it cannot be retrieved. The best option is to contact the sender of the form to see if they still have a copy.

Links are only valid for 16 days for security purposes. Thalamos do not have access to these forms and so the form will need to be resent by the sender. The best option is to contact the sender and ask them to resend the form.

I have not received an email but I have been sent a form.

Ask the sender to check the email address the form was sent to. Make sure there is not a space at the end of the email address. 

Sometimes what happens is if a SOAD sends to more than one person the second recipient is unable to access the form.
Therefore, the best way is to ask the SOAD to re-send this assessment to your team email address (e.g. it will most likely solve the issue.

When you open and download the first form you will need to click "Close Session" in the top right-hand corner of the Thalamos page.

Once you open and download one form, you must:

  1. Click "close session" button in the top right-hand side of the screen.

  2. Go back to your emails, click on the link in the new email

  3. Log back in

You should then be able to access the next certificate.

Hopefully that will do the trick, if not please let me know, or do feel free to give me a call on the number below.


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