Doctors and AMHPs can complete admission forms for Section 2 or 3 digitally on Thalamos. These can be submitted to either the ward or the Mental Health Act Office to complete the H3.
If your trust is using Thalamos, you can check with you project lead or email for more information about local policy.
Receiving Section 2 or 3 forms
Section 2 or 3 paperwork from Thalamos will always be delivered from
- To access the digital form, please click on the 'View and download MHA form' link in the email and you will be taken to Thalamos Assess
- Please note, that for security purposes this is an encrypted link which is only valid for 16 days. If you don’t access the link within that time you will need to ask the AMHP to resend the form to you.
- You won’t be required to create an account or enter a log in. However to maintain security you will be asked to enter your name and email address. This should mirror what the sender entered.
- Please tick the 'I confirm that I am authorised to view this confidential medical information' box and click 'Login'.
- Input your full name and the email that the form was sent to. This could be your team email address or your individual email address.
Reviewing the admission forms
- The admission forms you have just received are in the 'Completed forms' section.
- Click View form to review each form before completing the H3.
- Scroll through the form and check you are happy with all the information. If everything is correct, you can accept the admission form and move onto the next one.
- If you are not happy with all the information, click 'Return form'. The AMHP will get an email to say you have returned a form. You can include a message with this, but don’t include any patient identifiable data. You may need to discuss what needs amending with the AMHP.
- Please note: Don’t forget to log out by clicking 'Close Session' when you are done.
Completing the H3 form
- If you are happy with the forms, and haven’t returned them, you need to complete the H3.
- Your H3 form will be in the 'Forms to be completed' section.
- Click 'Start Form'.
- The fields mirror those on the familiar pink MHA form.
- Use the green arrows to navigate through the process.
- Areas where you would normally cross something out have been replaced with tick boxes.
- When you’re done, sign the form. This is easiest on a tablet or other touch screen device but can be done with a mouse. This date and time stamps the form.
- Note: The last two steps on the H3 are only to be completed if the patient has been admitted under a Section 4.
- When you’re done, scroll to the end click 'View Form'.
- You can review your H3 in the MHA pink style. Check your form and make sure you’re happy. If you’ve made a mistake, you can press 'Edit' to amend. If you are happy click 'Save Forms'.
- Please Note: You can’t edit the form once it’s been saved.
Sharing forms with the MHA office
- Once you've completed your H3, you need to share all forms with the MHA Office. Select all the forms from the list and click 'Submit Forms'.
- Enter the name of your MHA office and the email address. Click 'Send'
- When you're done, it's important to close your session using the 'Close Session' button at the top right corner of the screen.
Please see this training video below for further assistance: