How to amend a form under Section 15

How to amend a form under Section 15

Only MHA admins can request for forms to be amended. You will not be able to amend an application or medical recommendation unless the request has been made by a MHA admin.

If the form was completed on paper, we advise you to amend the form by hand as you normally would do with a paper form. If a form needs to be redone, we advise you to create a new form and complete it again.

How to amend a form

  1. You will receive an email and in-app notification letting you know that the MHA Team have requested you to amend a form.
    • You will be able accept or decline the request

  2.  You will be able to amend the form once you have accepted the request. Please make sure you only change the information that was requested to be amended. The reason will be displayed at the top of the page.
    • Click ‘SIGN’ once you have amended the form
  3. Click ‘CONFIRM’ once you have reviewed the form.
    • The form will automatically be sent back to the MHA legal team once you confirm

  4. The MHA Team will receive an email and in-app notification once the amend has been completed.
  5. You will be able to view both version as displayed below.
    • The original form version is marked ‘Old version’ and the amended form version is marked ‘current version’.

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